The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ – Getting To Know Kristen

Name? Kristen Where do you live? In An Enchanted Castle How long have you been with Chip and Company? 6 months What topics do you write about? Snack and counter service food items and other Disney dining topics Favorite C&C Writer? Myself 🙂 (Followed by Aljon… I guess.) Do you

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ – Getting to know Aljon Go

About Me: Name: Aljon Where do you live? Nashville, TN How long have you been with Chip and Company? A few months. What topics do you write about? Star Wars and Sorcerer Radio primarily, however, I also write about Marvel and Disney. Favorite C&C Writer? My wife, Kristen (a.k.a. Cooking

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Wednesday with Walt: Music in Motion

“There is a natural hootchy-kootchy motion to a goldfish.”  – Walt Disney Alright, Disney friends, I have to admit I chose this quote today because it gave me a chuckle! Thank you, Mr. Disney, for still being able to make me laugh nearly 45 years after your passing. Walt was

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ – Getting to Know Jessica Swaney

Disclaimer: This thing is long. I apologize. No, wait. Nevermind. I wanted to go into detail with my answers, and write as if I were conversing with you all in person. So I stand by my long answers. About Me Name: Jessica Swaney Where do you live? Orange County, CA.

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’: Getting to Know Nancy

About You: Name? Nancy Where do you live? Near Baltimore, Maryland How long have you been with Chip and Company? Umm I think about a year…but it seems longer….in a good way of course! 🙂 What topics do you write about? How to make a Disney vacation affordable, getting the

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DragynAlly’s 24 day Villains Vinylmation Giveaway

Like Disney Vinylmations? Who doesn’t? Well From Monday March 14- April 6 you will have 24 chances to win a Disney Store Villains Vinylmation. How, you ask? To enter head on over to the The Dragyn’s Lair to find out more! Related articles Exclusive Disney Store Villains Vinylmation Preview &

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ getting to know Lisa Battista

Name: Lisa Battista Where do you live: Jersey Shore and no, I don’t know the cast of that Jersey Shore. How long have you been with Chip and Company? One wonderful year. What topics do you write about? Whatever strikes my fancy but primarily traveling to Disney with small children.

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The Magic Behind The ‘Company’ – Getting To Know Ken

About Me: Name: Ken Where do you live: Tucson, Arizona How long have you been with Chip and Company: Since July of 2010 What topics do you write about: I focus on Disney from a Seniors point of view but any topic that can help vacationers make their stay at

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Chip And Company Disney Week In Review For March 14th

Welcome to the Chip and Company Disney Week In Review. There is a lot of news this week and of course  everyone in our group of outstanding writers has views on just about every imaginable subject but we’ll just present a few to give you an idea of where they

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Best Things I Love About Disney – Raglan Road

One place we never miss in Downtown Disney is the Raglan Road Irish Pub and Restaurant. It’s not only a place to get an excellent authentic Irish Pub meal but if you lean towards a bit of imbibing in adult beverages it has a great pub attached. You can enjoy

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