Disney Confidential – Disney Does Debby from Dallas

Hey there, guys and gals, Anonymouse here. If that title alone doesn’t make you chuckle then you haven’t been drinking enough. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! With Miley Cyrus out Disney is looking in the Bullpen for the next Disney Star. Debby Ryan, come on down, you’re the next contestant

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Best Things I Love About Disney – Pirates Of The Caribbean

I have no idea how this happened!! I have been writing for Chip and Company for 8 months and a lot of the articles I have written were “Best Things I Love…” articles. In reviewing my archive I realized that there was no “Best Thing” article about one of my

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Disney Snacks – Five Best Candy Stops at Walt Disney World

Disney foodies know there are plenty of desserts and snacks that can provide that sugar rush. But not only does Walt Disney World (WDW) offer inventive desserts, ice-cream concoctions that defy gravity, and the famous Dole Whip, it’s home to candy that would make Willy Wonka proud. Disney candy connoisseurs

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Oldies But Goodies – World Showcase, More Than A Bunch Of Buildings Part 2

I’ll say this once again, the World Showcase is magnificent in its scope and splendor even if you just look at the buildings. I think my fellow Oldies will agree with that. In Part 1 I addressed the large numbers of entertainment opportunities available as you stroll through. There are

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The Magic Behind the “Company”- Getting to know Kelly

Here goes the page turning epic saga: About Me: Name? Kelly Where do you live? 1675 N Buena Vista Dr. Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 AKA: Actionville How long have you been with Chip and Company? Appx 6 Mths. What topics do you write about? Art, Art History and Architecture.

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A Chat with Tangled Directors Byron Howard and Nathan Greno Part 2

Here’s part two of my chat with Tangled directors Byron Howard (Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear) and Nathan Greno(Bolt, Prep & Landing). Enjoy! What were three main challenges you faced making Tangled? Nathan Greno: The schedule was terrible. Usually you have 4 to 5 years to make one of these films. We only

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A Chat with Tangled Directors Byron Howard and Nathan Greno Part 1

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Tangled directors Byron Howard (Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear) and Nathan Greno (Bolt, Prep & Landing). Byron Howard grew up in the borough of Landsdowne, Penn. (near Phliadelphia), and moved with his family to the Seattle area when he was 10 years old.  His

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’: Getting to know Allie

Me (Left) and my sisters at the Morocco Pavilion in Epcot!   About You Name? Allie Where do you live? Saratoga Springs, NY How long have you been with Chip and Company? About four months now! What topics do you write about? I write about resorts, food and snacks, trip

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ – Getting to Know Debra

Name: Debra (D.K.) Peterson Where do you live: When I’m not traveling to Disney…Pittsburgh, PA. How long have you been with Chip and Company: I wrote a couple of guest blogs in Fall 2010, then began writing more regularly in January 2011. What topics do you write about: I’m primarily

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ getting to know Jenni

About Jennifer: Name? Jennifer/ Jenn Where do you live? Just down the road from where Disney America could have been (outside of Washington, D.C.) How long have you been with Chip and Company? I’ve been with Chip and Co for just a few months now, starting back in December, with

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The Magic behind the ‘Company’ – Getting to know Mike

In this special series, this week Chip & Company is bringing you special reports on who the people are that make up the Chip & Company writers.  I hope you enjoy hearing about me, Mike, also known as Mickey to his parents (and anyone else that wants to call him

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The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ – Getting to know Lindsey, aka Linds

Name Lindsey Pierce, but I go by Linds. Where do you live Hawaii on the island of Oahu- for 25+ years How long have you been with Chip and Company Just started last month officially, but I’ve written guest posts in the past over almost a year now when I

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