Disney World & Disneyland Welcome International Guests Back to the Theme Parks

Today, the U.S. opens its borders to International travelers from around the world! Walt Disney World and Disneyland are ready to welcome back international guests. Cast members are excited to welcome back friends from across the globe! Related – New Covid-19 International Travel Restrictions for the US Disney destinations across

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New Covid-19 International Travel Restrictions for the US

New travel restrictions go into effect for foreign travelers coming to the US starting November 8. The Biden administration is moving towards a “vaccinations-based” system. Related – Travel Ban is lifting for UK & EU residents starting on November 8th The new policy requires all non-immigrant adults traveling to the

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Travel Ban is lifting for UK & EU residents starting on November 8th

The US is lifting the travel ban on travelers from the United Kingdom and Europe. Beginning November 8, 2021, fully vaccinated travelers will be able to enter the United States for non-essential travel. In addition to proof of vaccination, a negative COVID-19 test will also be required. Related – Travel

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President Biden to ease foreign travel restrictions for those vaccinated

The Biden Administration will be easing travel restrictions for international travelers entering the United States by air in November. People who have vaccination proof and a negative COVID-19 test will once again be able to enter the US. Related – Disney supports US Travel Association to reopen International Travel The

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New White House mandate to include mandatory masks and quarantine for International Travelers

The White House has issued a new executive order that promotes COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel. The order mandates both a required quarantine for international travelers and mask mandates during air travel and more. Per the order, masks are required — effective immediately — in airports, commercial aircraft,

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The U.S. is Lifting some International Travel Restrictions

Beginning September 14, the United States Government is lifting some of the restrictions on international travelers. The CDC announced yesterday that international travelers will no longer be required to undergo enhanced health screening and will no longer be routed through designated US airports. Previously, those traveling from or through China,

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