Disney Versus: Animation Studios

In 1937 the world of animation changed. A man named Walt Disney launched an 84 minute ‘cartoon’ called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and in so doing, started a war that continues to this day! Of course, the war took some time to really get going. For decades, no

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2 Disney Legends Die within days of eachother

Betty Taylor, who played Slue Foot Sue in Disney’s long-running Golden Horseshoe Revue, passed away Saturday – one day after the death of Wally Boag, who played her character’s sweetheart, Pecos Bill. The 91-year-old Taylor died at her home in Washington state, Disneyland announced on its web site. Boag, who

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Chip’s Magic Kingdom Touring Plan

I get a lot of questions and emails on Chip and Company asking me the best ways to tour the parks. I wanted to share with you my Magic Kingdom Touring Plan to help make your Disney World Vacation more enjoyable. I posted this last week on Couponing to Disney

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Top 5 Disneyland Attractions I Would Like to See at Disney World

While Disneyland and Disney World share many of the same attractions, there are several that are unique to each resort. Even though I’m a frequent visitor to Walt Disney World, Disneyland’s history and fantastic attractions hold a lot of appeal for me; and there are several attractions at Disneyland that

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Chip & Company Week in Review, June 6, 2011

As always, when it comes to Disney news and views, your writers at Chip & Company have been quite busy reporting to you all the news related to Disney!  If you missed some of it, please take a look at some of these articles that came down last week! Our

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Top 5 Quick Service Restaurants

There are two different types of dining at Disney World: table service and quick service. Table service restaurants are dining destinations that offer either buffets or served meals with appetizers, main courses, desserts, and service. Meanwhile, quick service restaurants are set up like cafeterias offering quick, but tasty, menus where

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Disney World Planning 101 – Last Minute Planning Tips

You’re ready to go.  Good planner that you are, you made your  advanced dining reservations at 180-days out, bought your tickets, know how to get a fastpass–you’ve even asked the neighbor kid to pick up your mail.  So what’s left?  Here’s a short checklist for those who are 24-hours from

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The Magic, the Memories and…Wishes!

When Walt Disney World launched Wishes Nighttime Spectacular in 2003, it fired off the biggest and most extravagant pyrotechnic show in Magic Kingdom history. Most evenings throughout the year 683 individual fireworks pieces set from 557 cues burst dazzling color and light above and around Cinderella Castle. The breathtaking display

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Disney Versus: Cartoon Studios

The Triple Threat. In show business, this was a reference to a person who could sing, dance, and act. Other areas of entertainment, such as sports, have used the same terminology to indicate excellence in a given field of endeavor. This series of three articles is going to explore how

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Captain Jack Sparrow Handbook Review

Who knew that Captain Jack Sparrow gave advice on being a pirate? Well, for those of you who either love Captain Jack Sparrow or want to be a pirate, this might just be the book for you. The Captain Jack Sparrow Handbook: A Swashbuckler’s Guide from Disney Pirates of the

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New Disney World’s Haunted Mansion Queue

The lonely wolf howl echoes across the landscape, cutting through the music and merriment of the Magic Kingdom.  For a split second, images of fog-filled graveyards and half-seen shadows flicker at the edges of park guests’ minds, and then they are gone, burned away by the bright Florida sunshine. Yet

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Disney World Quick Tips – Drink water to save money

I am in love with these new Mio Liquid Water Enhancers! They taste so good and unlike a Crystal Light packet you don’t need exactly 16oz. I have found myself going out to eat at the various restaurants here in Greensboro and ordering water only to squirting in some Mio.

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Top 5 Underrated Walt Disney World Restaurants

  Dining at Walt Disney World is just as much of an experience as the parks and attractions! In fact, getting a reservation at some Disney restaurants are harder than finding Soarin’ at Epcot or Toy Story Midway Mania at Hollywood Studios without a wait! However, I have discovered several

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