Disney Channel Original Movie “Kim Possible” is premiering February 15 at 8pm EST. The live-action move is based on the beloved animated series. The movie follows everyday teen hero Kim Possible and her best friend Rob Stoppable as they enter into their freshman year of high school–all while still defeating evil villains and protecting the world!
They have their tech-genius friend, Wade, and new friend Athena, joining Team Possible. Kim and Ron have always been able to be one step ahead of their opponents, but balancing high school and their social life, is proving to be more challenging to stay ahead. Kim must rely on her friends and family as Drakken and Shego are still lurking in the wings. It’s time for Team Possible to stop the super villains!
Take a look at the remake of the popular theme song “Call Me, Beep Me!” by Sadie Stanley below! It is written by Corey Lerios and George Gabriel, and produced by Sam Hollander and Grand Michaels. Middleton Productions, a subsidiary of Omnifilm Entertainment, produced “Kim Possible.”
Also we have a look at the trailer from Kim Possible in case you missed it:
Be sure and don’t miss out on the all new live-action film, “Kim Possible,” Friday, February 15, 2019 on the Disney Channel.
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