Disney’s Hollywood Studios Deserves More Credit!!

Almost every time a group of Disney fans start talking about which park they like the most or spend the most time in, Disney’s Hollywood Studios(DHS) comes up on the short end. I must be one of those few folks who really enjoy and appreciate what this park has to

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The VERY BEST Thing About Our Upcoming Visit

Yes we love, love, love each and every regular visit to Walt Disney World and have since our first time in 1990 (started way too late). We love it so much that the Magic just gets better and better, perhaps because we are at that time of life where we

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My Fab Five Disney’s Hollywood Studios Attractions

This  installment will be easy. Disney’s Hollywood Studios is one of two parks where I really enjoy all of the Biggies. I know there are quite a few folks who disagree with some of my choices for my Fab Five but here, all of the best attractions fit in to

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Oldies But Goodies – Dining Events For Seniors

There are quite a few “special” dining experiences at Walt Disney World many of which are especially suitable for us – the Oldies!! We have experienced quite a few of them and I thought, this week, I would highlight some of our favorites focusing on those that we seniors would

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Disney “Characters” Taking Over Twitter

Recently I’ve become a total Twitter monster. I can’t stop tweeting, and I can’t stop reading other people’s tweets. It’s fun to see what strangers are thinking! (Such as the “What the…?” tweets floating around about the World Cup being hosted in Qatar for 2022.) Not all of the profiles

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Fantasmic! Disney Dining Package

The Fantasmic! Dining Package combines dinner at one of 3 restaurants in Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park with designated seating for the Fantasmic! fireworks show. The Fantasmic! Dining Package gives you an unforgettable dining and entertainment experience. With the convenience of choosing lunch or dinner at The Hollywood Brown Derby

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