New Patent Filed by Disney May Be Linked to Star Wars Resort

A patent has been filed by Disney Enterprises, Inc labeled “Multimedia System for Transforming Any Room Into a Show Environment”. With the announcement of a fully immersive Star Wars resort coming soon, it seems as though this patent may be another step in the design. It shows how the technology

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Disney Files Patent to Make Disney Experiences Even More Personalized and Immersive

Disney is constantly searching for new ways to bring personalized, fully-immersive experiences to their Guests. The recently opened Pandora – World of Avatar at Animal Kingdom is one great example. Guests visiting Pandora report feeling fully immersed into the World of Avatar. At the D23 Expo it was announced that a Star

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Disney Files Patent for Technology That Will be Used in a Captain America Virtual Shield Throwing Experience

Disney filed a patent on technology that simulates throwing and catching Captain America’s shield. The new technology will be part of a new virtual reality experience.   The patent designs show how users would fasten some type of motion sensor to their forearm with a physical shield on a short

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Disney files patent to intercept drones launched by fans and media

Disney is fed up with drones invading their private property. These drones fly in and get a sneak peek of construction for both movies and attractions. Recently the Walt Disney Company has just filed a patent dubbed the Commercial Drone Detection, aimed at intercepting drones launched by fans and media to

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Disney files patent to read riders emotions and customize ride experience for guests

According to the Orlando Business Journal Disney has filed a patent that could read guests facial expressions and depending on if the rider is bored or excited the ride/attraction would customize the experience by going faster or spinning more to improve the experience for the guest. It is called “Sensing and Managing Vehicle

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Disney is About to Help Airline Passengers Big Time in Orlando

Ever flown back home from Orlando? Or just flown anywhere from Orlando or even thought about it? Yes? So now you have the dreaded pit in your stomach that all airline passengers flying out of MCO in Orlando feel when thinking about the security lines. The awful, crazy security lines

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