The new animated special, Marvel Rising: Chasing Ghosts, debuted an exclusive new single “Side by Side”. The new animated special is executive produced by Joe Quesada, Dan Buckley, Cort Lane, and Eric Radomski. The show is co-executive produced by Stan Lee, Sana Amanat, and Marsha Griffin and written by Mairghread
Tag: booboo stewart
Disney Descendants Mobile App Review!
Recently Disney launched Descendants, the official mobile game inspired by the hit Disney Channel movie, Disney’s Descendants, available on iOS, Android and Windows devices. In Descendants, fans can create their own unique Descendants character and then join Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and more of their favorite characters for a wickedly
Descendants: Wicked World Animated Shorts Coming Soon!
“Descendants Wicked World,” an animated short-form series set in the Auradon and Isle of the Lost worlds of Disney’s hit movie “Descendants,” is set to premiere FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 on Disney Channel and its digital platforms, including WATCH Disney Channel. The series will introduce new characters. Providing the voices of
Disney Descendants Merchandise Hits Shelves!
Disney Consumer Products (DCP) is unveiling a new product line inspired by Disney’s “Descendants” which premieres July 31 on Disney Channel. The live-action movie is a music-driven story, set in the idyllic kingdom of Auradon, which follows the sons and daughters of evil on their journey as they meet