Disney World Quick Tips – Don’t Over Buy Your Vacation Package

When we all travel to Walt Disney World, the resort hotel we choose is the easiest purchase decision we make because the costs of the room are pretty much up front with no surprises. We simply purchase what we can afford. My concern is the rest of the package which,

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Best Things I Love About Disney – How About Just Being There!!

We all have our favorite attractions, parks, resorts, restaurants, etc. at Walt Disney World but it’s all of these things put together that makes just being there one of the most magical things on earth for a Walt Disney World lover. It starts when we get to our home airport,

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Disney World Quick Tips – Signature Restaurants And Maximizing The Dining Plan

We are huge fans of the Signature restaurants at Walt Disney World. The free dining offer available for at least the first 9 months of 2011 (with some blackouts) is an opportunity to take advantage of these restaurants at an absolutely minimal cost. You can upgrade the free dining offer

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Disney World Quick Tips – Please Don’t “Wing It”

Most of my friends and acquaintances know how I feel about everything Disney and when they decide they are going to visit Walt Disney World they always ask what I think. I’m always excited for them and I ask them about their plans for resorts, parks, meals etc. You would

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The Magic Behind The Scenes – Follow The Architecture And Timeline

The Imagineers never seem to miss a trick. There is a bit of a unique flow in the Magic Kingdom that starts at Peter Pan’s Flight and flows through Liberty Square and into Frontierland. The flow is both architectural and chronological and is quite neatly woven together with one minor

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Oldies But Goodies…Minimizing The Cost Of Getting There

Vacationing at Walt Disney World is an expensive proposition and most of us (particularly us, frugal Oldies) generally look for whatever ways we can to minimize costs without impacting the fun. One way you can impact these costs, even in today’s expensive air travel market, is to look for the

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Disney World Quick Tips – Don’t Carry The World On Your Shoulders

I learned a lesson in 2009, unless you normally carry a backpack in your day to day life don’t make Walt Disney World your first shot at carrying one all day. It actually gets painful later in the day when you carry that extra weight on your shoulders. In a

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The Magic Behind The Scenes – The Grass Is Always Greener

One thing I have always admired is how green the grass and other plantings are at Walt Disney World. Congratulations should be given to the landscaping Cast Members for the endless hours and effort they put into maintaining it that way. Take it from a guy with a “Black Thumb”

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Disney Blog Carnival for October is now Live

This months edition of the Disney Blog Carnival is now live. There are alot of super talented Disney Bloggers out there. To see this months edition of the Disney Blog Carnival click here. If you missed past months editions you can check them out at the links below. Edition #11

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Best Things I Love About Disney – The Imagineers

The soul of the Disney Company was and continues to be Walter Elias Disney. The heart of the Disney Company has to be the thousands of Cast Members in every division of the company. That brings us to the mind of the company which has to be the Imagineers. These

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Best Things I Love About Disney – Walt Disney One Man’s Dream

I think I’ve mentioned the three things it takes for an attraction to make my “favorites” list, they are the back story, the quality of the theme, and the ride itself. This attraction made the list without really having any of these things. The back story is not needed because

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