Do I Need My Stroller in Disney World?

To Stroller or not to stroller, that is the question.  The question on every parents mind when planning their trip.  Especially if your child no longer uses a stroller at home.  I will tell you that if your child is under the age of 5 and not a marathon runner,

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Fun Facts about Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Here are a few interesting facts about the Animal Kingdom. Animal Kingdom was the fourth park built at Disney world. It opened on April 22, 1998 The park has 7 themed areas taking up more than 400 acres There are more than 4,500 cast members to help maintain the Disney Magic.

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Five Things To Do Before Your First or Fiftieth Disney Vacation

Congratulations, you have just booked your first (or fifitieth!) Disney vacation! But, now what? You’ve figured out your hotel, your flight, and booked an amazing package with tickets included. Nothing left to worry about, right? That’s not quite true. Most people think that’s the end of vacation planning, but it’s

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Secrets of Hollywood Studios

Shhhh don’t tell anyone. It’s just between you and me. I have been a passholder for a few years and a Cast Member a few years ago. So in that time I have learned a few insider secrets that I thought you would appreciate. In case you missed our fun

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How to avoid a meltdown and enjoy the fireworks and shows with your kids!

You may not have thought about it before, either because you have never been to Disney World or because you haven’t ever been there with a kid but imagine this:  You found the perfect spot for Wishes (the fireworks spectacular over Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom), you and your

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A Few Things about Epcot You May Not Know

I love Epcot because it is the only place where I can visit 10 countries (not including The American Adventure) in one day and not have to leave the country or board an airplane. Epcot is an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. Epcot opened on October 1, 1982

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How to get baby and all of their “stuff” to and from Disney World

Have you ever wondered “How and I going to transport my baby and all of their things while at Disney?”  Well look no further I am here to let you in on an amazing service that Disney offers if you are staying at a Disney resort and arriving/departing from the

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What shoes should I wear at Disney?

I am sure most of us have seen the woman who has on heels and is dressed like she is going to her prom, now while she may look good I know she is not very comfortable. If you are not comfortable then you will not be able to enjoy

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Disney World Quick Tips – Don’t Make These Newbie Mistakes!

If you’re reading Chip and Co you’re probably a Disney Addict and could come up with a list of things to avoid in your sleep, but for those who aren’t, let’s talk about the most common mistakes Disney newbies make.  Here are the ones we see over and over again–we’ve even

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Disney Quick Tips – Christmastime at the Resorts

This is the last article in my Christmas in July series, so better get to planning your trips!  If you would like to see my past articles click the link here. With all the things to see at the parks during the holiday season, many people forget at the resorts the atmosphere

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