Saving Mr. Banks Press Conference

On a recent Friday morning, I drove over to the famous Beverly Hills Hotel for the Saving Mr. Banks Press Conference. As I pulled into the valet , I had a sudden feeling of deja vu. I have had the opportunity of visiting the hotel on many occasions with out

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Up, Up and Away – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure

In Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – Super Adventure Super Mickey and his friends fly into stores on DVD this December 3rd and we got a chance to preview the movie and my kids thoroughly enjoyed it. We are huge Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fans and with my 3 year old just getting into

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Meeting the Frozen Princesses at Disneyland

A recent trip to Disneyland with my grand daughters included meeting the Frozen Princesses, Elsa and Anna. To honor the Frozen princesses, Olaf has transformed the small greeting room off the side of the Village Haus Restaurant, next door to Pinocchio’s Daring Adventures into a comfy FROZEN spot.  A sign

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Disney’s Frozen Preview Movie Review

Disney’s Frozen preview media screening was held recently at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank.  Making our way to the theatre,  we joined a group of very excited children and adults, all talking about what to expect or look for during FROZEN.   We checked in and quickly found our seats.  Minutes

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Saving Mr. Banks Movie Screening

Saving Mr. Banks, Movie Media Screening was held in the Animation Building at the Walt Disney Studios.  Walking through the halls, I was so excited to see the beautiful pictures decorating the walls.   From Snow White to Frozen, there was art representing every movie ever made.  The sheer beauty of

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Top Five Disney Favorites To Do This Thanksgiving Weekend

The holiday season is finally here. The turkey is hopefully purchased and all the preparations are in place for later this week. You have researched all the Black Friday ads and have your list and route ready.  The guests have all confirmed and the menu is set in stone.  

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Studio Ghibli’s ‘The Wind Rises’ Trailer Arrives

  The first trailer for Studio Ghibli’s new, and final directed film by famed director Hayao Miyazaki, ‘The Wind Rises’ has finally arrived, courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures. The film’s official synopsis and trailer are below. The film is expected to open on February 21, 2014 in limited release, and

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Kids of all ages love Disney’s FROZEN

Kids of all ages loved Disney’s FROZEN last week during the media premiere screening. The audience made up of adults and kids, sat hypnotized as scene after scene flashed by.    There was singing, clapping and most of laughter ringing throughout the theatre.  After the initial excitement wore off, I made

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‘Delivery Man’ Movie Review

Who knew that a movie about donating to a fertility clinic could not only be funny, but genuinely heart felt and emotional at the same time? It’s not exactly the easiest premise for a film to tackle, but here we are. ‘Delivery Man‘ stars Vince Vaughn as David Wozniak, a

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The Lone Ranger Rides Into Town on December 17th

I grew up watching the original black and white TV show “The Lone Ranger” with my grandpa. He loved Westerns, so the show always made a regular appearance in the rotation of shows we watched as a family. Ahhh, those were the good ol’ days. Combine a classic western with

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