Orlando International Airport To Utilize Biometrics for International Travel

The Orlando International Airport (MCO) is lined up to the best first U.S. airport to fully utilize biometrics for international travel. The vision of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) is to continue to innovate operations which enhance the guest experience and customer service. As part of fulfilling that mission, the

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Magical Express Returns To Original Resort Pick-Up Schedule Later This Month

Back in November, we brought you the news that due to the busier holiday season at the Orlando airport, plus on-going construction, Magical Express would begin picking guests up from their resort 4 hours prior to their departing flights. We have now received confirmation from Disney’s Magical Express that they

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New Resort Pick Up Time For Disney’s Magical Express

Big news for Walt Disney World guests who are planning on using Disney’s Magical Express during their next trip! We have just received confirmation from Disney that starting tomorrow (November 17, 2017) Disney’s Magical Express will begin picking up guests (for their transfers back to the Orlando Airport) from the Disney

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Transportation Updates In and Out of Florida for Hurricane Irma

As expected, Hurricane Irma is causing changes, delays, and cancellations to flights, trains, and the roadways in and out of Florida. Let’s take a look at what we know right now: Orlando International Airport Last night, the airport reported on their website that they would be ceasing all commercial flights

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Residents of Several States Will Need Passports for Air Travel in 2018

Beginning on January 22, 2018, if you live in one of these nine states, you will be required to have a passport to fly to Disney or any other domestic locations. The states are: Kentucky Maine Minnesota Missouri Montana Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Carolina Washington The Department of Homeland Security will

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