Merida, the adventurous heroine from Disney•Pixar’s upcoming feature film, “Brave,” has begun making special appearances at Fairytale Garden in Magic Kingdom Park. In this setting, young guests are invited to engage in archery practice and other activities, in addition to meeting Merida and mischievous bear cubs from the film. Take
Tag: Jessica
The Magic Behind the ‘Company’ – Getting to Know Jessica Swaney
Disclaimer: This thing is long. I apologize. No, wait. Nevermind. I wanted to go into detail with my answers, and write as if I were conversing with you all in person. So I stand by my long answers. About Me Name: Jessica Swaney Where do you live? Orange County, CA.
Disney “Characters” Taking Over Twitter
Recently I’ve become a total Twitter monster. I can’t stop tweeting, and I can’t stop reading other people’s tweets. It’s fun to see what strangers are thinking! (Such as the “What the…?” tweets floating around about the World Cup being hosted in Qatar for 2022.) Not all of the profiles