Ghirardelli Soda Fountain (pronounced Gear-ar-delly) is a product of the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company founded in San Francisco, CA. Downtown Disney boasts the only Ghirardelli Soda Fountain on the East Coast and features a retail shop. Some menu favorites include the Earthquake Sublime Sundae, the Mint Bliss, and the Cookie Bottom Sundae. You can view their full menu HERE.
Yes, you can get ice cream at home, but nothing compares to a Ghirardelli creation. When arriving at Ghirardelli Soda Fountain you will enter through the retail store. Here you can purchase chocolate goodies for later, or to take home. Don’t forget about the Florida heat! You will enter the line to place your order with one of several cashiers. Although the lines look long, they usually move pretty fast. After an agonizing decision, the next hardest part is finding a place to sit. There are indoor and covered patio seating but they fill up fast due to the popularity of Ghirardelli’s. The servers will deliver your sweet treats right to your table, once you find one.
Ghirardelli Soda Fountain is an amazing treat. While the prices seem extreme, the quality of the product is worth it. Sharing is very easy as the portions are oversized. Ghirardelli is also a great place to grab that specialty coffee you’ve been craving since your arrival at Disney. Ghirardelli does not accept the Disney Dining Plan, but is open in the morning and late into the night for a special treat.
Overall we give this restaurant an “A-“.