Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

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Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

Hey Guys, Jackie here! I don’t know if you know a lot about me or not but one major part of my life, besides Disney, is being a stay at home mom! I love every aspect about it, except maybe all the laundry, but one thing my daughter and I do a lot that we both enjoy a lot is crafting!  Because we love Disney SO much we often times incorporate Disney into our crafts, and especially when it gets close to our next trip!  We have 70 days until we arrive at Caribbean Beach Resort so its time for me to really start the countdown till we leave!

One thing I always do for my daughter on the way down to Disney is put together a goodie bag for the car ride.  In the goodie bag I always put snacks, candy, toys and games, last year we even gave her her very own camera to take pictures at Walt Disney World – basically anything new and fun to pass the time can go in the bag!  But this year I though, how much fun would it be to actually let her MAKE her own goodie bag that I will fill with things between now and when we leave!   Needless to say she was super excited and it was a great way to start our trip countdown!

So today I am going to show you how to make your very own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bag! Here is what you will need:

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

  • Canvas Tote Bag
  • Sharpie Markers
  • Alcohol
  • Eye Droppers
  • Fabric Paint – optional
  • Cups
  • Rubber Bands

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

Step 1: Start by determining what size you want your Mickey head to be.  I used the wide circle, the top, of a clear plastic cup for the bigger circle of the Mickey head and then flipped the cup over and used the smaller base circle as the ears.  Rubber band your tote bag to the cup where you want your Mickey to be positioned.  (see above picture)

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

Step 2: Go around the outside of your circle with your sharpie markers making dots or lines all the way around.  You can leave a little white inbetween each dot or not.  This is really up to you and how you want your Mickey to look!  It does not have to be perfect, remember this is supposed to be fun! I was originally going for the tradition Mickey/Minnie colors with the red, black, and red pattern.  But as you can see further down the colors bled to be purple and pink and yellow.  I think it looks great, but I wish I would have tried it out on something first.  So my suggestion is if you have a specific idea on how you want your colors to turn out try it out on an old white t shirt first!

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

Step 3: Take the alcohol and your eye dropper.  Fill the eye dropper with alcohol and drop onto your dots.  The wetter you get your marks the more it bleeds and spreads out.  Be careful when removing the rubber band, a little bit of the color will transfer to your hands.

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

Step 4:  Repeat the same process as in Step 2 and 3 but with the smaller circle for the ears.  If you have small children like me, you will want to help them by repositioning the cup for each ear and rubber banding it.  But everything else is easy enough they should be able to do with little or no assistance.

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

When you are finished you can remove the rubber bands and plastic cups.  Make sure to let this dry with a piece of cardboard or plastic inside so it doesn’t bleed to the backside.  I used a Walmart bag and slipped it in the inside.  Next you can take your fabric paint and decorate your bag however you want! My daughter and I choose to do dots and write our name on them!

Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote BagsMake your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags

These bags were really a lot of fun to make! I can’t wait to find stuff to fill hers up!  In my Mickey Tye Die Tote Bag I am going to put our Disney Itinerary, important info about our trip and some fun travel stuff for me as well! I hope you guys try this craft out and have a wonderful time with your kids! Remember it doesn’t have to look perfect you just have to have a great time!




  • Make your own Disney Vacation Countdown Calendar (
  • Disney Packing Tip for Families (
Make your own Tie Dye Mickey Tote Bags


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