‘The Lion King’ Reigns Over ‘Frozen’ As Disney’s New Highest Grossing Animated Film

'The Lion King' Reigns Over 'Frozen' As Disney's New Highest Grossing Animated Film

The Lion King‘ Reigns Over ‘Frozen‘ As Disney’s New Highest Grossing Animated Film. The record has been Frozen for nearly 6 years, but it appears the story from the pride lands has thawed the hearts of Disney Fans and now holds the record as King of the Disney box office!

According to Box Office Mojo, Frozen grossed approximately $1.28 billion at the global box office and The Lion King (2019) has brought in $1.34 billion worldwide, making it the highest grossing animated film of all time. This includes films created by other studios besides Disney!

'The Lion King' Reigns Over 'Frozen' As Disney's New Highest Grossing Animated Film

The achievement has brought the film under even more scrutiny since the film has been advertised as a live-action remake of the 1994 Disney Classic and is mostly filmed using real background locations. This filming style is causing debate online if CGI overlapping live-action film footage is really considered “animation” or if it falls under the category of visual effects.

'The Lion King' Reigns Over 'Frozen' As Disney's New Highest Grossing Animated Film

One of the questions regarding the film is that IF the film were up to consideration for The Academy Awards would the film be nominated under Best Animated Feature or Best Visual Effects. Though CGI takes an incredible amount of work and detail, and the graphic designers do some absolutely stunning work, they are not strictly animators.

Regardless of which side of the debate fans are on, this accomplishment does not come easy, and will fuel Disney’s drive to keep creating live-action remakes from their older film properties. The record may not be held by The Lion King for long, with the theatrical release of Frozen 2 set for November 22, 2019

'The Lion King' Reigns Over 'Frozen' As Disney's New Highest Grossing Animated Film

Congratulations to the cast and crew of The Lion King (2019) on this great achievement! Be sure to check back here at Chip and Company for all things Disney.

Photo Credit: Disney

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Kaitlyn is a writer, painter, and artist based just north of Baltimore, Maryland. She is a previous participant in the Disney College Program and has years of experience with Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts and with Universal Orlando Resort. Her and her big 'Ohana are frequent visitors to the parks and resorts and she is always up for another trip to visit her favorite castles! Kaitlyn is the News & Entertainment Writer for Chip and Company and is passionate about writing and storytelling.
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