The Star Wars stage show at Hollywood Studios, “Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away” will be closing soon for an extended period of time. As of September 29th, it will be put on hold for several weeks due to some concrete work in the area. No word on official
Tag: Star Wars: A Galaxy Far
Rey Joins Cast of ‘Star Wars’ Show at Hollywood Studios
Rey from Star Wars will be joining the cast of “Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away” at Hollywood Studios. The show has been on a brief hiatus for the past few weeks and just reopened this week. This show, presented several times daily in the park’s Center Stage area, brings
Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away stage show gets a Rogue One update
Announced last night at the Star Wars event in Epcot, The “Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away” stage show will be receiving an update later this month to include scenes from the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story movie. Guests will get a first look at the all new AWR