Top 10 Overlooked Items to Pack for your Disney Vacation

We’ve been to the Disney World Theme Parks enough times now that we have a list of things that we always pack. We learned after our first trip what we absolutely have to bring with us in order to avoid spending extra money buying these items at the parks or

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Walt Disney World Packing Tips

I have some time-saving tips I would love to share with you. Whether you are a frequent visitor to “the World” or if you are planning your first magical visit, I hope you will find this information helpful. Up on the top shelf of my closet, I have what I

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Five Things You Should Pack That You Never Thought Of

If you were to look inside my luggage for our Walt Disney World vacation, you may think I have gone bonkers. Why would a sane person pack empty paper towel rolls on a Disney vacation? Stockings? Surely I don’t plan to wear those, right? You’re very right, I have a

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Walt Disney World Planning Tips: What to Pack?

Whether you are a frequent visitor to Disney World or if you are planning your first magical visit, I hope you will find this Packing Tip helpful. Up on the top shelf of my closet, I have what I refer to as my Disney Trunk. The contents of this oversized

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Disney Planning Tips – Plan It, Pack It, Post-It!

The burden of a family vacation can be overwhelming for the person “in charge”. Disney veterans know that timing is everything, dining reservations are a must and you can’t leave home without your itinerary. If you haven’t traveled to Disney, or don’t travel frequently all of the above is overwhelming;

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Planning 101 – My Baggies are Packed and I’m Ready to Go

There are many uses for zip top baggies when you travel to Disney. Just to name a few, they are good for: housing your cell phone, camera and anything else you want to keep dry inside your day bag; putting a wet poncho into, if necessary; carrying leftover food from

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Walt Disney World Tips and Tricks: Packing Tips

I have some time-saving tips I would love to share with you. Whether you are a frequent visitor to “the World” or if you are planning your first magical visit, I hope you will find this information helpful. Up on the top shelf of my closet, I have what I

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