Christmas, and New Years at Disney World: Planning for the Crowds

Do you have plans to visit Walt Disney World this holiday season over the Thanksgiving or Christmas/New Years break? If so…and if you have never been to Disney World during this time period….I want to share some thoughts with you today.

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10 Tips for Surviving the Christmas/New Year’s Holidays at Disney World

It’s the most wonderful time of the year at Walt Disney World! Decorations, music, special events and tons of festivities have been part of the celebration at the Disney parks for over a month now, but many will be having their first chance to enjoy the season Disney-style over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. If you will be traveling to Disney World for your Christmas or New Year’s vacation, here are 10 quick tips that you should know that will help you make your visit as magical as possible.

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Surprise! New Experiences on our Disney World Vacation

We have returned from a wonderful vacation at Walt Disney World over the New Year’s holiday. We had a great time ringing in 2011 at the best possible place! Was it crowded? At times, sure it was, but having gone at this week before, we knew what to expect. There were also times when it wasn’t crowded at all too! And one of the neat things about this trip was that, despite our many past Disney trips, we were still able to learn and experience new things. That is, of course, one of the great things about Disney parks: the ability for guests to feel that each trip is magical, no matter how often you go.

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