Disney’s Live-Action ‘Hercules In Development

We have great news! Disney’s Live-Action ‘Hercules’ is “In Development”. Disney Fans have been pining over the idea of a live-action Hercules remake, with a huge boost in requests after Ariana Grande’s performance of “I Won’t Say I’m in Love” during the Disney Family Singalong on ABC. The Russo Brothers

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Deadpool and Nebula Get In Epic NSFW Trash-Talking Battle For Charity

Deadpool and Nebula Get In Epic NSFW Trash-Talking Battle For Charity. Joe and Anthony Russo are having the Marvel superheroes and villains going head-to-head for Charity in a fun and maybe not-so-friendly way. At least, that’s how Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool/Wade Wilson) and Karen Gillan (Nebula) are seeing it. The Russo’s

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Disney Pushing for ‘Avengers: Endgame’ to be Nominated for the Academy Awards

Disney Pushing for ‘Avengers: Endgame’ to be Nominated for the Academy Awards. We love this, 3000! Disney has created a placeholder page and announced their contenders for the 2020 Academy Awards and has asked The Academy to consider several titles for nomination, including: Aladdin (2019), The Lion King (2019), Toy

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Avengers Directors New Amazon Show is a Mystery!

A new show is headed to Amazon courtesy  of the Russo brothers who directed Avengers: Infinity War.  What’s it about?  I’m not exactly sure?!? According to Amazon Studios, Joe and Anthony Russo’s new show is described like this: “The origin mothership series will function as a fire-starter to ignite the creation

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