Disney’s A Christmas Carol, a multi-sensory thrill ride re-envisioned by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis, captures the fantastical essence of the classic Dickens tale in a groundbreaking 3D motion picture event. Ebenezer Scrooge begins the Christmas holiday with his usual miserly contempt, barking at his faithful clerk and his cheery
Tag: Jim Carrey Christmas Carol
Disney, Zemeckis board ‘Yellow Submarine’
Disney and Robert Zemeckis are looking to catch the wave of Beatlemania, floating a new 3-D “Yellow Submarine” for the bigscreen, with merchandising in tow and prospects for spinning off both a Broadway musical and a Cirque du Soleil stage production. Disney hopes to have the film ready to premiere
Disney 3D Christmas Carol Train Tour and Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey helped Disney kick off the studio’s 6-month train tour promotion on Thursday, May 21, for the Robert Zemeckis 3D version of A Christmas Carol opening November 6 that began at Union Station in L.A. on Memorial Day weekend, all captured in this highlight video by Scott Hettrick.