“The Complete Walt Disney World 2017” is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the title with the first edition having debuted in 2007. It is the only independent Disney guide to ever be honored by the Walt Disney Company, the title is the winner of Disney’s iParenting Media Award for Outstanding Family Product. This
Tag: Guide book
Five Things To Do Before Your First or Fiftieth Disney Vacation
Congratulations, you have just booked your first (or fifitieth!) Disney vacation! But, now what? You’ve figured out your hotel, your flight, and booked an amazing package with tickets included. Nothing left to worry about, right? That’s not quite true. Most people think that’s the end of vacation planning, but it’s
Passporter 2012 Guidebook Giveaway
Design magical vacations with this FULL COLOR travel guide and planning system for everyone’s favorite playground … fully updated for 2012! Fourteen built-in organizer pockets keep plans, maps, and memories all in one place, and the full-color travel guide includes everything you need to plan the perfect vacation. All Disney
I love this Disney Site – Passporter
For the last decade or so the folks at Passporter have proven themselves to be a leading source in Disney information and Disney vacation planning. We are proud to welcome them into the Chip and Company family as our newest partner! A Passporter is not to be confused with a