Check Out The Field Guide for Pandora-The World of Avatar

As you enter Pandora-The World of Avatar you can pick up a Field Guide of the area.  From the Na’vi Language and Culture, to the Pandoran Animals and Plants, the guide will assist you along your exploration journey.  Be sure to pick up your Field Guide as you enter Pandora-The World of

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New Kidcot Experience Added for Flower and Garden Festival

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Kidcot at Epcot, it’s a great way for your kids to stay entertained and learn some fantastic things about other cultures while walking around the park. Kids are given a paper Duffy the Disney Bear on a stick that they can color

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Wilderness Explorers Coming to Disney’s Animal Kingdom This Spring

You remember from the movie Up, young Russell from the film is a dedicated Wilderness Explorer who can’t wait to earn badges by having all kinds of adventures while learning about the world. We’re happy to announce that the Wilderness Explorers adventure organization is coming to Disney’s Animal Kingdom, with a

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