The Curse of the Disney Movie Sequel

Do you like sequels? For many, direct-to-video has become a dirty compound word when it’s uttered by Disney! And I think we can at least agree that there have been some sequels that just shouldn’t have seen the light of a TV screen. Anyone remember the Little Mermaid sequels? I

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The 2011 Walt Disney Studios & DreamWorks Pictures Movie Schedule

Great News for Disney movie buffs like myself! In case you were wondering, here is the current upcoming 2011 release schedule from Walt Disney, Touchstone and DreamWorks Pictures. Many of the movies posters, trailers, and photos are already posted on the Chip and Company website and I will get the

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Dreamworks Studios Presents Epic Adventure ‘War Horse’

From director Steven Spielberg comes “War Horse,” an epic adventure for audiences of all ages. Set against a sweeping canvas of rural England and Europe during the First World War, “War Horse” begins with the remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and a young man called Albert, who tames

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New Photos: Dreamworks Pictures I Am Number Four

Three are dead. Who is Number Four? D.J. Caruso (“Eagle Eye,” “Disturbia”) helms an action-packed thriller about an extraordinary teen, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), who is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri

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