Two beloved stage shows performed on the stage in front of Magic Kingdom’s Cinderella Castle, “Mickey’s Magical Friendship Faire” and “Let the Magic Begin,” will not be performed for the next three weeks due to a refurbishment of the stage area. Guests will have to wait until July 28 for
Tag: Cinderella Castle Stage
New Cinderella Castle Stage is now complete
New Cinderella Castle Stage is now complete. Although the stage has been used now for the “Let the Magic Begin” opening show, the stage itself was not completed until recently. With the addition of stage risers on the left and side downstage, which include beautiful gold handrails, the castle stage
Magic Kingdom’s 50th Anniversary Stage being built ahead of Anniversary
Another piece of 50th anniversary celebration decor has arrived at Magic Kingdom. A decal for “The World’s Most Magical Celebration” has been added to the Cinderella Castle stage. Related – More Magic Kingdom Entertainment returning to Walt Disney World The decal is dark blue and features the 50th anniversary Cinderella
“Let the Magic Begin” is Returning to Magic Kingdom
Another live entertainment show may be returning to Magic Kingdom! According to the Walt Disney World website, “Let the Magic Begin” will resume starting October 1, 2021. “Let the Magic Begin” is a show that usually takes place on the Cinderella Castle stage, five minutes before the park officially opens.
Cinderella Castle Stage resurfacing almost complete for Magic Kingdom 50th
Cinderella Castle Stage resurfacing almost complete. We have new photos and an Instagram video showing the magical transformation. Last week we showed you how they are progressing and adding the final pieces. This week they have finished building and now are making it safe for people to walk on. The
Pyro Test Scheduled to Take Place In Magic Kingdom
On the morning of Saturday, March 10th, there will short fireworks test conducted on the stage in front of Cinderella Castle. They can be seen from approximately 6-7 a.m. Guests will be able to see them from resort hotels although there should be no noise. Source: Orlando Park News Click Here
Magic Kingdom’s “Dream Along With Mickey” ending to make room for new Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire
Dream Along With Mickey, which currently takes places in front of Cinderella Castle multiple times a day, it is confirmed it will be ending its long run in April. The stage show started in September 2006 and has taken place almost every day since. Mickey and his friends will grace
Detroit Academy of Arts & Sciences Choir Performs on Cinderella Castle Stage
From school choir to internet sensation to television celebrity, The Detroit Academy of Arts & Sciences choir saw their dream come true on June 16. That’s the day the charter school’s 40 students, ages 9 to 13, performed on the Cinderella Castle stage in Magic Kingdom Park at Walt Disney