Walt Disney World Tips And Tricks: Photo Tips

I take a LOT of photos on every visit to Walt Disney World and have literally thousands of them loaded on to my computer. That being said, I am neither a professional nor a particularly talented photographer. I just shoot what I like. This group of tips will focus primarily

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Eating Table Service in the Parks vs at the Resorts – Which is Better? Part 2

There are many variables that affect whether table service meals are better in the parks or the resorts. Last time I looked at specialty dining such as character meals, signature dining, buffets, and unique and entertaining restaurants. Today, let’s evaluate table service meals by looking at the convenience factor and

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Eating Table Service in the Parks vs the Resorts – Which is Better? Part 1

This topic stumped me for a while since it clearly falls into the category of it depends. It’s always tough to make recommendations on matters of personal preference since a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work. Even if the same approach doesn’t work for everyone, do some options have a slight

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Walt Disney World Tips and Tricks – Lanyards

  When doing the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival, purchase a lanyard to wear. Just attach a clear pouch, if it doesn’t come with one you can get a pack of them at any office supply store for a few dollars. This way you can put your drivers license

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Disney World Tips and Tricks: GoGo Squeez – A Park Must Have!

My son and I frequently visit Walt Disney World.  As a frequent visitor, I am always looking to save money for our vacations to Disney as well as ways to save money while actually ON the vacation in Disney.  One way I always try to save is by bringing foods

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Walt Disney World Tips and Tricks: Hot Weather Touring

  With blue skies and bright sunny days, a vacation at Walt Disney World during the summer is the stuff picture-perfect postcards are made of. Unfortunately, the picture doesn’t capture the entire reality of those hot, sticky, exhausting days of touring the theme parks with all the summer crowds and

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Marathon Training – Running Teams

If you’re already in training and signed up for a Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resort Race, you may consider joining a running team.  There are dozens of options out there, and for me, they make the race even that much more special.  Running teams aren’t necessarily for competition; often

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Resort Hopping 101: Taking the Monorail Express

One of our focuses on the website the past few months has been Quick Tips. We like to prepare you for the parks and offer up tips and tricks to making your vacation more enjoyable. Today I want to talk to you about something outside the Disneyworld Theme Parks and

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Princess Punch-up: Who’s Really the Fairest?

Beauty is only skin deep. Although we’ve all heard that saying, we still appreciate and are attracted to, a pretty face. And Walt Disney did little to correct that trend. His first three Princesses were heavy on the looks, light on true depth. But 30 years have passed and the

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Making Your Vacation Rental Safe for Kids.

If you have small children, your own home is probably childproofed, but your hotel room or vacation rental probably isn’t.  Add that the natural  tendency to unconciously lower one’s guard on vacation combined with excited children in unfamiliar surroundings and the potential for accidents is higher than it should be.  You don’t have to panic though,

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Oldies But Goodies – How Effective Is Disney Transportation For Seniors?

Let me be up front with you, as a Disney consumer who happens to be an Oldie I really enjoy the Walt Disney World transportation system. There are a few reasons why. We have stayed off site and driven to the parks each day (that will never happen again), we

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