Mary Poppins Day at Wilderness Lodge Sure to Be an Adventure.


Wilderness Lodge Mary Poppins Day

Mary Poppins Day at Wilderness Lodge!

Y’all! Hold the phone! They are having a Mary Poppins day at Wilderness Lodge for the opening day of the anticipated movie, Mary Poppins Returns!  I already wish I was at Disney Parks and Resorts every single day, but I SERIOUSLY wish I was going to be there tomorrow!

On December 19th guests can enjoy a day full of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious activities that everyone in the family will enjoy!  I grew up watching Mary Poppins.  I love everything Mary Poppins.  I need everything Mary Poppins! Pssst, the new merchandise is to die for!

Mary Poppins Day at Wilderness Lodge

Now on this special day guests can immerse themselves in activities that will make them feel as if they are actually in the movie!  Starting at noon and running until 3:45pm there will be a new activity featured every half an hour.  These amazing will take place at the Copper Creek Springs pool area.  Take a closer look at the magical adventures you will go on.

Starting at 12pm until 12:30pm, guests can take part in “Magical Sidewalk Art”.  I can only imagine the possibilities of adventures you could go on!  Will you be dancing with penguins, racing carousel horses, or maybe go on your own adventures, such as diving with dolphins or rocketing to outer space?  The possibilities are endless!!

From 12:30pm-1:00pm, guests can play “What’s in your bag”.  Mary Poppins bag had a whole coat rack!  Although, I am unsure what exactly this entails, we know it will magically delightful regardless.  Then from 1:00pm-1:30pm guests can partake in the “Spoonful of Sugar Relay Races”.

Mary Poppins Day at Wilderness Lodge

The day just keeps getting better! From 1:30pm-2:00pm guests will have a “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” scavenger hunt, followed by a “Practically Perfect Pool Part” from 2:00pm-3:00pm.  The party will end with “A Step in Time Dance Party” from 3:00pm-3:30pm before guests can “Decorate Your Own Bag” from 3:30pm-3:45pm.  I certainly hope they teach how to do the famous chimney sweep dance during the Step in Time dance party!

Can’t make it to the Mary Poppins Day celebration? No worries, Wilderness Lodge will still be holding their daily evening activities featured below, but with a special Mary Poppins twist!  I love that they decided to do this Mary Poppins Day at Wilderness Lodge!

Mary Poppins Day at Wilderness Lodge

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Jessica was born in Texas, but moved to New Hampshire when she was 9. Due to her increasing hatred towards the cold, she has been secretly turning her husband into a Disney lover in hopes to move to Florida. Hopefully her cover wasn't just compromised! Oh, she also loves painting, crafting, and all that stuff. Contact her today for all your Disney needs!!
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