A heartwarming story unfolded at Walt Disney World, where Disney PhotoPass cast members turned a young boy’s dream into reality. Rowan, a passionate second-grade photography enthusiast, had always admired the Disney cast members who captured magical memories each day. His mother, Katie, shared his aspirations in a letter to the Disney PhotoPass team, expressing his dream of working for Disney one day. In response, the Disney PhotoPass team orchestrated a surprise for Rowan during his family’s recent visit to the Magic Kingdom Park!
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The team named Rowan an honorary photographer for the day, providing him with a name tag, costume, and an exclusive photography session to learn the ropes of his dream job. The highlight of his day was taking photos of his family and a special visit from Pluto.
Rene Villa, an Operations Integration Associate Project Manager for Disney PhotoPass, played a pivotal role in making this moment special for Rowan. Villa, who started his career at a Disney Store and now works with the Disney PhotoPass team, shared a similar childhood dream. He keeps a framed letter from his childhood at his desk as a reminder that dreams do come true.
“It’s inspiring to see the next generation following in your own footsteps,” Villa said. “For me, making dreams like these come true is what being a cast member is all about.”
Rowan’s experience was captured on camera by Good Morning America, showcasing the magical moment when he was surprised as Magic Kingdom’s honorary Disney PhotoPass photographer. After his personalized training, Rowan expressed his excitement to return and eventually become a Disney PhotoPass cast member, saying, “It was magical! I love to make people smile.”
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Disney PhotoPass photographers play a unique role in creating lasting memories for families visiting the park. For those inspired by Rowan’s story and interested in becoming a part of the Disney team, Disney Careers offers a gateway to explore the latest openings and opportunities.
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