Celebrate Donald Duck’s 90th Birthday with These Delicious Disney Snacks!


Celebrate Donald Duck’s 90th Birthday with These Delicious Disney Snacks

Happy (almost) birthday Donald Duck! Get ready to quack your way to some delicious treats because Donald Duck’s 90th birthday is almost here! June 9th marks nine decades of our favorite feathered friend, and Disney is celebrating with a variety of tasty bites.

Related-Disney Partners with Major Brands for Donald Duck’s 90th Anniversary Collections!


Here’s a look at some of the special treats you can enjoy to commemorate Donald’s big day:

  • For a sweet and portable treat, head to Trolley Treats, Candy Palace, or Candy Kitchen at Disneyland Resort and grab a Donald Duck Cake Pop, available from June 2nd to 16th.

Related-New BoxLunch x Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Collection


Craving a slice of cake? The Hearthstone Lounge at Disney’s Grand California Hotel & Spa is serving up Donald’s Birthday Cake, also available from June 9th through July 28th.


Up for something sweet and fruity? cool off with a Donald Lemon and Blueberry Waffle Sundae made with vanilla soft-serve, lemon curd, blueberries, and popping candy at Marketplace Snacks at Disney Springs.


If you’re staying at Disney’s Grand California Hotel & Spa, be sure to stop by the GCH Craftsman Grill for a special Donald Birthday Cookie, available from June 9th through July 28th.

For a unique and decadent option, The Ganachery at Disney Springs has a Donald Duck Chocolate Popcorn Piñata! Delicious and so fun to break open!


Looking for a lighter option? Grab a Donald Duck Munchlings Bucket filled with popcorn from select popcorn carts and Refreshment Corner in Disneyland park, select popcorn carts in Disney California Adventure park, GCH Craftsman Grill, and Disney Springs West Side at Walt Disney World Resort. These buckets are available now!

So grab your favorite Disney pals and celebrate Donald Duck’s 90th birthday with some delicious treats!

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Catherine loves all things Disney and all things travel. She enjoys traveling with her husband and son to many destinations worldwide including Europe and Hawaii. Her favorite trips are to Castaway Cay on a Disney Cruise and visiting Disney's Aulani Resort and Spa in Hawaii.
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