Disney World Quick Tips – Ten FREE Things To Do At Disney World

Yes, there are quite a few things you can do while you are at Walt Disney World for free. Free is not generally a word associated with anything Disney but if you look, these  things are there at no cost!! Here is a quick outline of ten things that run

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Top 5 Disney World Character Conundrums

Let’s face it…we’re all little kids when we’re at Walt Disney World and although we blame it on our children, we’re just as excited to see the characters as they are. Something inside of us still jumps when we see Mickey Mouse and we point and yell…and pretend we’re doing

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Disney World Quick Tips for Parents with Children under 3

We have been bringing our girls to Disney World for some time now. Our oldest who is 5 has been to Disney World 6 times and my youngest who just turned 1 has already been twice. So traveling to the parks with children is something I know pretty well. Having

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Disney World Quick Tips: Count ALL of your family for ADRs

Most people know you need to make Advance Dining Reservations (ADRs) for your favorite table service restaurants at Walt Disney World.  ADRs can be made up to 180 days before your vacation.  One thing that some families don’t do is count ALL their family members in their reservations. Many families

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Disney World Quick Tips: Photography Lessons

I take a LOT of photos on every visit to Walt Disney World and have literally thousands of them loaded on to my computer. That being said, I am neither a professional nor a particularly talented photographer. I just shoot what I like. This group of tips will focus primarily

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Show Your Romantic Side – With a Disney Flair!

Valentine’s Day is upon us – and it’s one of those holidays you either love or hate. But no matter how you may feel about V-Day, showing you love someone and being romantic is a great thing to do not just on February 14th, but on any and every day

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Tips for Travel: What to Take When Visiting the Mouse!

Reflecting on my traveling experience, I realize, I don’t have much to offer as far as world travel. I’ve never been to Paris, I’ve never toured a rain forest. Shoot, I’ve never even been on a flight longer than four hours – and that time was for work! BUT (as

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5 Quick Tips for Saving Money on Food at Disney World

It’s no huge secret that food can end up being one of the major expenses on a vacation to Disney World. Yet there are a number of ways that you can plan your meals and save money. Probably the most well-known option is the Disney Dining Plan, especially if you are able to take advantage of the very popular Free Dining promotion.

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