Disney gets POW!-ed from Stan Lee

Great article about Disney’s relationship with Stan Lee over at Gaming Angels. That relationship must be doing well because POW! Entertainment has announced that they will be creating a closer relationship to the Walt Disney Company. “Enhancing our relationship with one of the world’s most creative and innovative entertainment companies

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Orlando’s theme parks ending sluggish year on bright note – by closing the gates

Personally I have seen on several websites where Disney had to close it’s gates this week due to hitting capacity before noon. Good or Bad you decide… Article from the Orlando Sentinel Orlando’s theme parks appear to be ending a lackluster year on a positive note. Walt Disney World, Universal

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Hollywood Studio Backlot Bulldozed…?

These are just rumors there is nothing concrete just hearsay. A few days ago, WDW Daily News reported on an interesting refurbishment that was announced for both the Studio Backlot Tour and the Studio Catering Co. at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, scheduled to take place between February 15, 2010 and March

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