Art of Coloring: Disney Animals Coloring Book is Available Now

by Danielle

Disney Animals Coloring Book

The Disney themed Art Of Coloring adult coloring books have been incredibly popular. Now the much anticipated Art of Coloring: Disney Animals Coloring BookArt of Coloring: Disney Animals Coloring Book is Available Now is finally available!

Originally slated to debut in April, Disney fans have been eagerly awaiting the debut of this pretty book. The patterned images include many of our most beloved characters. The book is divided into three sections. There is Animal Heroes, Animal Villains, and Sidekicks. The coloring books aren’t like your flimsy childhood ones they are board covers with foil elements. They are absolutely spectacular in design and looks. Sadly Mickey and friends did not make the cut in this collection, so I’m hoping for a future Art of Coloring release that focuses on those characters.

So if you’ve been waiting for your chance to get your paws on this beautiful work of coloring art, you can get yours now!

Art of Coloring: Disney Animals Coloring Book is on Amazon with free Prime shipping for only $10.04! That’s a savings of over $5 on the list price.

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