The animated TV series, Marvel’s Avengers: Black Panther’s Quest will have a new voice on an upcoming episode. Anika Noni Rose will guest star as Yemandi on the episode.
Marvel’s Avengers: Black Panther’s Quest is a series on Disney XD. The series was created as a fifth season as part of the channel’s “Avengers Assemble” series. However, the Black Panther’s Quest season will focus exclusively on Wakandan King. During the season, Black Panther must cast away old alliances, rules and friends after an ancient and mysterious threat rises to destroy Wakanda. Black Panther must chart a new forward for himself and for the people of Wakanda. With his sister, Shuri, by his side, Black Panther must decide what kind of king, Avenger, and man he will be.
The series became a hit TV series after the live-action “Black Panther” film from Marvel Studios garnered critical acclaim and box office success.
During this week’s episode, airing on January 20, 2019 at 9:00pm on Disney XD, viewers will hear a new voice. Anika Noni Rose will guest star at Yemandi, the Original Black Panther and Queen of Wakanda. Viewers might recognize Anika Noni Rose from “The Princess and the Frog”. Listen along as Anika discusses her love of voice acting, and getting to be a Black Panther working alongside a young, inexperienced Thor.
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