Amber Heard Confirms Warner Bros. Has Ended Her ‘Aquaman’ Franchise Contract

Amber Heard Confirms Warner Bros. Has Ended Her 'Aquaman' Franchise Contract

As the Depp vs. Heard defamation case continues at the Fairfax County Courthouse in Virginia, Amber Heard’s cross-examination exposed that Warner Bros. has let Heard go from the upcoming film Aquaman 2 and any future Aquaman titles. Heard herself is the one who revealed the news during questioning, stating: “They released me from my contract and I’ve fought to stay in it.”

Related: Aquaman 2 Will Feature Child of Amber Heard & Jason Momoa 

She then clarified she will still appear in the sequel but is unaware of how much screen time her character Mera will have. “They kept me in it, I just don’t know how much I’m in actually, the final cut.” After additional questioning Heard added, “As I said, I don’t know if I will even be in the final cut or how much I will be. It was difficult to stay in the movie.”

Related: Disney was reportedly considering firing Johnny Depp before Amber Heard’s accusations

Heard also revealed several scenes were cut from the film, including a major battle scene, sharing: “I was given a script and given new versions of the script that had taken away scenes that had action in it, that had depicted my character and another character – without giving away any spoilers away – the two characters fighting with one another. They basically took a bunch out of my role. They didn’t… They just removed a bunch. I fought really hard to stay in the movie. They didn’t want to include me in the film.

Related: Petition to Remove Amber Heard from ‘Aquaman 2’ Now Over 4 Million Signatures

Currently, a petition calling for Amber Heard’s firing from Aquaman 2 has garnished nearly 4.5 Million signatures and it seems Warner Bros. was listening to fans who have threatened to boycott the film’s release should Heard appear in the movie.

This is a developing story, so be sure to check back here at Chip and Company for updates and all things entertainment!


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Kaitlyn is a writer, painter, and artist based just north of Baltimore, Maryland. She is a previous participant in the Disney College Program and has years of experience with Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts and with Universal Orlando Resort. Her and her big 'Ohana are frequent visitors to the parks and resorts and she is always up for another trip to visit her favorite castles! Kaitlyn is the News & Entertainment Writer for Chip and Company and is passionate about writing and storytelling.
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