New EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival Perfect Picnic Basket Popcorn Bucket Out Now


New EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival Perfect Picnic Basket Popcorn Bucket Out Now

Attention, foodies, and festival-goers! The eagerly awaited EPCOT Food & Wine Festival Popcorn Bucket is finally here! Yes, you heard that right. The excitement starts early as we’ve already spotted this delightful bucket at a popcorn cart in EPCOT. Don’t miss your chance to get your hands on one for just $25.

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Now, you might experience a sense of déjà vu when you lay eyes on this popcorn bucket, and you wouldn’t be mistaken! You might recall the Mickey Mouse Picnic Basket Popcorn Bucket from Hollywood Studios, which bears a striking resemblance. However, this “new” edition comes with a special Food & Wine Festival strap, distinguishing it from its predecessor, along with a few other charming little tweaks to enhance the experience.

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Here is a closer look at the Food & Wine Festival Perfect Picnic Basket Popcorn Bucket:

Don’t you just love this EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival Perfect Picnic Basket Popcorn Bucket? Will you be adding to your collection?

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Chip is the owner, editor, and writer of Chip and Company. When he is not writing about Disney News or Planning Tips, you will find him counting down the days to his next Disney Vacation.
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