Last Chance! Rock Star Mickey Giveaway

Last Chance! Rock Star Mickey Giveaway

Our friends at Fisher Price was nice enough to give us Rock Star Mickey to giveaway on Chip and Co.

Not sure what Rock Star Mickey is? Here are some details!

Everyone’s favorite mouse is ready to rock the house!

Kids can jam along with Rock Star Mickey from Fisher-Price and Disney as he lights up the stage with his jammin’ guitar and rockin’ moves!  Kids can learn how to rock along with Mickey in the “Rock Star 101” mode and show off their own moves as he takes to the stage with rock songs including “You Really Got Me.”

Mickey really gets things going as he sings with head bobs, kick-steps and finishes with his signature move — the Mickety-split where he plays the guitar with his nose! Mickey is hip, decked out from head to toe in rock star gear and cool shades, ready to give his fans the best show ever. Now, that’s one talented mouse!

Check out my full review with video here.

Now onto Giveaway details!

To enter we are going to do things a little different. Each place you follow Chip and Co gives you 1 entry to the contest.

If you already follow us at any of these 4 locations let me know in the comment box and I will add additional entries for you. Please add them all in one post not 4 separate posts.

For additional an additional entry:

  • Share Chip and Co on Facebook. Just use our special App here and share us with all your friends.
  • Post this article on your Facebook Page. Just click the Share button below or feel free to post it yourself. (If you use the @chipandco it should post to our facebook page)
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  • Or Share it via any of the other mediums below. Just be sure to comment and let me know which one.

One share = One Entry. So if you want to Retweet this article every hour every Retweet counts as 1 entry. Please include @chipandcompany so I can track it.

Finally for yet another entry:

  • Comment on any other article on Chip and Co. Check out some of the articles you might have missed from the past week. Check out some of our excellent writers and the Tips, Tricks and News they share with you week after week.

Each comment also counts as 1 entry

Obviously the more you share this article, comment, or follow the more chances you have to win.

Contest ends Saturday Morning September 10th at 10am. I will pick one lucky person and notify them via Facebook that they won. That person will have 24 hours to respond back or I will pick another. So please use a valid way for me to contact you.

Good Luck!

  • Coming Soon! Rock Star Mickey Jams to a Store Near you! (
  • Rock Star Mickey Debuts at D23 Expo (
Last Chance! Rock Star Mickey Giveaway
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13,108 Posts

Chip is the owner, editor, and writer of Chip and Company. When he is not writing about Disney News or Planning Tips, you will find him counting down the days to his next Disney Vacation.
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303 thoughts on “Last Chance! Rock Star Mickey Giveaway

  1. I want him because I am a full time Nanny for a family that had 4 children. One of the children passed away last summer from a very rare gentic disease. Two of the remaining children have the same disease that their big brother had. These children all LOVEEEEEEE Mickey. They would be very happy to have this.

  2. Oops! Just re-read the rules, and I had listed mine separately. I follow you on Facebook, subscribed on You Tube and subscribed to the newsletter. Sorry!

  3. The Halloween decoration are so CUTE BUT THE BEST TIME IS CHRISTMAS AS WELL but it never a BAD time to go to DISNEY WORLD!!!

  4. Reading your FB messages gives me that Disney “fix” that I’m needing ince we got back from our trip “home” in May. Having RS Mickey would make me feel that much closer to “home”.

  5. I have a 13 month old little girl, that LOVES music. Always stops what she is doing when music comes on TV, to watch and dance. Well, I’m taking my DS(8) to Disney World for the first time ever,in Oct. I have been promising him for 2 years but the first year i was preggo and last year I had a newborn so this trip is for him FINALLY, Well, I feel guilty, but I am not bringin the baby. It would be so much harder to do everything we want to do, and this trip is all for DS anyway, SO…… it would make me feel a little less guilty to leave DD (13months) with an awesome rock star mickey to listen to and play with for the week that i am leaving her (for the first time btw) to go on a trip!

  6. My two has not this I want it to be surprise because he is just going to FREAK OUT when he sees it I CAN NOT WANT!!!!

  7. I follow you on FB and love the tips on how to navigate the sometimes confusing Disney Park system and the money saving ideas!

  8. I follow you on Facebook and love your posts. We LOVE Disney and are looking forward to our next adventure on the Disney Dream! Today is my son’s birthday and Rock Star Mickey would be an excellent birthday present!!

  9. I get your newsletter and follow you on facebook! Would love to surprise my little one with this in our hotel room when we go in November!

  10. Oh Chip and Co, I would FOLLOW you anywhere and already do!! LOL Your giveaways are GREAT!!! HOWEVER I really like your articles on disney!! I love reading what you write!!! Have little people and my little people LOVE LOVE LOVE Everything Disney but especially Mickey!!! This would be an AWESOME surprise for them!!!! PICK US!!! And thank you for EVERYTHING!

  11. I follow you on all things mentioned. Although I must admit I forget to Twitter, I prefer FB. Keep up the good work. Love to hear all new and exciting things.

  12. My 2 year old would die if Santa brought him this for Christmas. We had a Mickey Mouse birthday party a coulple of months ago and he was in heaven. Thanks for such an aweome giveaway!
    I like you on facebook and subscribe to your newsletter.

  13. My 2 year old would die if Santa brought him this for Christmas. We had a Mickey Mouse birthday party a coulple of months ago and he was in heaven. Thanks for such an aweome giveaway!
    I like you on facebook and subscribe to your newsletter.

  14. Following Chip and Co on Facebook
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  15. I like you on facebook and shared on facebook. My grandson would love this! I can see him rockin’ out with Mickey!! He is coming to spend Christmas with us at WDW! He’s our little “Disney Man”. Thanks!!

  16. I like you on facebook and shared on facebook. My grandson would love this! I can see him rockin’ out with Mickey!! He is coming to spend Christmas with us at WDW! He’s our little “Disney Man”. Thanks!!

  17. I follow Chip & Co on FB
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    This is an awesome giveaway…I would love to win this for my 2 yr. old son )

  18. I follow Chip & Co on FB
    I receive newsletter
    This is an awesome giveaway…I would love to win this for my 2 yr. old son )

  19. I follow Chip & Co on Facebook! My 3 year old daughter couldn’t stop playing with Rock Star Mickey in the store and totally rocked out with him. 🙂

  20. I follow Chip & Co on Facebook! My 3 year old daughter couldn’t stop playing with Rock Star Mickey in the store and totally rocked out with him. 🙂

  21. I follow Chip & Co on Facebook! My 3 year old daughter couldn’t stop playing with Rock Star Mickey in the store and totally rocked out with him. 🙂

  22. I already liked your facebook page. I did sign up for the newsletter, I am following you on twitter and subscribed to your You Tube channel.

  23. I already liked your facebook page. I did sign up for the newsletter, I am following you on twitter and subscribed to your You Tube channel.

  24. I already liked your facebook page. I did sign up for the newsletter, I am following you on twitter and subscribed to your You Tube channel.

  25. I already liked your facebook page. I did sign up for the newsletter, I am following you on twitter and subscribed to your You Tube channel.

  26. i shared on facebook
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  27. i shared on facebook
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  28. I already follow you on Facebook. I just finished subscribing to your newsletter and posting this article on my Facebook page.

  29. I follow you on Twitter (ShellNGirls), I liked you on FB (Michelle Kezer), I subscribed to receive your newsletter (, I also subscribed to you on Youtube(shellandoats), I reposted this feed on twitter, I shared on FB using your special app, did Google +1, Last but not least, I plan to retweet this like no other:)

  30. I did all 4 I also will post on facebook and my cousin would go nuts for this or even I would Disney fanatics forever!!! Going to Disney in 4 weeks oh and tweeting

  31. I did all 4 I also will post on facebook and my cousin would go nuts for this or even I would Disney fanatics forever!!! Going to Disney in 4 weeks oh and tweeting

  32. I follow on Facebook
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  33. I follow Chip and Co on Facebook and am a member of You might be a Disney Addict…and my son who will be 4 in October is screaming in my ear that’s the Rock Star Mickey I told you I want for my Birthday pointing out every detail, maybe he should do the next commercial 🙂

  34. I follow Chip and Co on FB, Twitter, Blog, and Newsletter for previous giveways. And of course have retweeted, +1’d, and FB shared this post…..

    here’s hoping I have enough entries to win. My 2yr daughter’s birthday is at the end of Sept and she’d go crazy for it!

  35. Follow Chip and Co on Facebook.
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    I posted this article on my Facebook page.
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  36. I follow you on fb, I receive your blog, and I forward your articles and contests all the time! I just saw this today in Target and would love to add it to the collection I have just started of Disney items. Plus I will allow the new grandchild that will be born in April to play with it…lol

  37. I follow you on fb, I receive your blog, and I forward your articles and contests all the time! I just saw this today in Target and would love to add it to the collection I have just started of Disney items. Plus I will allow the new grandchild that will be born in April to play with it…lol

  38. I folow you on facebook. I will share this article too! And I LOVE this site! Makes me wish my Disney Vacation was closer!!!

  39. I follow you on facebook: Chrissy Jones (different name in real life)
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  40. I follow you on facebook (chrissy daprino cauger) and I get your newsletter!!!! Also, I shared your page on FB, and I posted this story!

  41. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity! I follow you on facebook (I used the app to share you with all my friends, and I posted the article on my wall). I get your newsletter and follow you on youtube as well.

  42. I already like you on FB (Sarah Weiss)
    I already follow you on Twitter @bitsybitsybitsy
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    I already receive your newsletter (SIMSHABS at aol dot com)

  43. I follow you on all four (Fb, twitter, newsfeed and youtube) retweeted, shared chip and co on fb also shared article on fb, google +1 this article thanks for doing this good luck to everyone.

  44. googled this article. rock star mickey giveaway…. had a bunch of stuff pop up like, dance rock star mickey preorder

  45. googled this article. rock star mickey giveaway…. had a bunch of stuff pop up like, dance rock star mickey preorder

  46. googled this article. rock star mickey giveaway…. had a bunch of stuff pop up like, dance rock star mickey preorder

  47. googled this article. rock star mickey giveaway…. had a bunch of stuff pop up like, dance rock star mickey preorder

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